Joel Always one syllable

Meta descriptions and keywords for each page and post in WordPress

03 Apr 2009 #cms #meta #meta tags #wordpress #Work

After searching for a plugin that might accommodate this in WordPress and coming up empty, I went digging for a possible easy way to do this with the means available.   Logic dictates that with custom fields this should be rather easy to accomplish.

The only snag might have been that in retreiving a custom field for a page or a post you need the page or post’s ID.   Usually this id is readily available within “the loop”, but what about when we’re up in the tags?    A little searching in the codex reveals that we can grab your pages’ ID with $wp_query->post->ID.  Fantastic – because, with that we’re pretty much done! Adding the following in your theme’s header.php file between … :

” />
” />

.. and “meta_keywords” and “meta_description” as custom fields with your desired content for each will get you to where you want to be.

Installing libmemcached and the memcached gem on Leopard

16 Feb 2009 #development #gem #memcached #rails #ruby on rails #Work

face palm

What a huge pain in the ass.

I just spent hours trying to get every combination of these two to work together and nothing worked.   A handful of versions of libmemcached had no problems installing – .24, .25 and .26 were all easy to install, both from source and from macports.  However, getting the memcached gem to install proved to be way way more difficult.I tried with a myriad of options – the most promising piece of information looked to be from this gentleman’s website – but also proved fruitless.The final solution, after a LOT of googling and clicking around the rubygem forums – this post at Evan Weaver’s blog.  The libmemcached-0.25.14.tar.gz and memcached-0.13.gem tarball and gem, respectively, installed easily without any problems.  After downloading all I had to run was:

tar -xzvf libmemcached-0.25.14.tar.gz
cd libmemcached-0.25.14
./configure && make && sudo make install
cd ..
sudo gem install memcached --no-rdoc --no-ri

Done. Finally.

Update: There seems to be a few issues with the gem I link to being installed correctly in Snow Leopard.  After spending too much time trying to figure out why the gem wouldn’t install, I installed the current memcached gem (from gemcutter) on a whim – and it compiled, and worked, without a problem instantly.   So, if you’re running Snow Leopard and looking to install the memcached gem, try out the latest version first.One caveat – I’m still using the memcached server I linked to above, version  0.25.14, still from Evan Weaver’s site

Difference between :collection and :member in Rails 2.0

11 Aug 2008 #development #enlightenment #rails #Work


In getting up to speed with the new bells and whistles in Rails 2.0s RESTful routing capabilities I ran into something that puzzled me.  Of the options for a resource defined among your routes there were two similar pieces that, for one reason or another, I could just not find a solid and bulletproof explanation for – :collection and :member.  The :member part of it I got pretty easily for some reason, because its description is inherent in its own name … “a member among the default restful actions”.  The :collection part?  Notsomuch.  After some digging in the Rails mailing list I ran into a great, and worthy, explanation for this knucklehead by a contributer named “deegee”:

For example, with map.resources :reviews, if you want to add a method ‘delete_all’ that deletes all reviews at once. You may want to call that with ‘/reviews/delete_all’ and method PUT (never use GET to delete something). This method is acting on all resources (a collection), so the route should be:

map.resources :reviews, :collection => { :delete_all => :put }

If you want to have a custom action acting on a specific resource, e.g. ‘/reviews/3/give_rating’, then your action is on a member and the route would be

map.resources :reviews, :member => { :give_rating => :put }

So that’s it! They’re the same other than :member working on a single resource, while :collection works on multiple.  DONE!

I’ve got an idea. I need a programmer. It’s easy!

16 Apr 2008 #business #development #entrepreneurship #Work


There’s a really great post at this blog about how the writer, a developer named Ethan, was approached by some acquaintances with regard to a big idea they needed help in implementing. The usual banter ensues, in which Ethan discusses the terms by which he expects to be compensated. Whether in equity or at an hourly rate of payment.

The response from his pitch-man?

Hey, so, we aren’t really prepared to pay. I mean there isn’t that much to it, it’s just a PHP website with a MySql database, I was hoping you could just throw it together as a favor. Oh well, thanks anyway

The rest of his post echoes pretty much exactly how I would feel in this situation. “There isn’t that much to it”. That line destroys me. To anyone that might ever make that assumption – take a moment to step back, and really think about what you’re saying. It blows my mind to think that there are people out there that are so quick to make the leap that “there isn’t much to” someone’s craft.

“Dear Mr. Architect – can you design this house for me for free? I mean, there isn’t much to it, it’s just a house with a foundation and some walls”.

On another semi-related note. If you’re looking for someone to jump in on an entrepreneurial venture – the challenge you should expect to be faced with is to find that one special, talented individual that might share the same passion as you on this particular topic. From my perspective – that’s the key. Passion. Unless it’s for pay, it’s hard for some to get truly amped to knock out the creative, or code, for your new project. I’ve tried the same approach – “Work with me on this! We’ll rule the world“. It’s too nebulous a proposition for most, unless they know they’re going to LOVE this thing you’re creating.

My conclusion – work my ass off for a little extra money to invest in the paid services of my friends to help me where the help is needed. I just can’t ever expect to get something knocked out of the park by someone who’s going on my word – “This is going to be HUGE!”. If my name was short for something like … Joelstradamus … then maybe I’d be more eager to prognosticate on the magnitude of my many “next pet project”s.

Cable Management For Web Workers

24 Feb 2008 #review #web #Work


BlueLounge Space Station … can be an immense pain in the toochis. Actually, it is, unequivocally, an immense pain. You can’t hope to solve it, you can only hope to momentarily fend off. The ipod, camera, external hard drive, keyboard, mouse, power cable … all expected to live in peace and harmony in the vicinity of what is most likely a laptop.

I had just (temporarily) solved my problem when I ran into this product via Uncrate called the Space Station, from BlueLounge. It tucks all of your cables underneath a small stand to rest your laptop up against, to place a small monitor on top of, maybe? From only the photos on the BlueLounge website you get the feeling that this might be a winner for those trying to come up with a solution to their own exponentially multiplying cable problem.

The “hiatus” is over

04 Feb 2008 #business #life #website #Work

Has it really been (well over) a year since I last posted a single thing on this weblog? It goes without saying that that is a crying shame. Woefully neglected is too soft a phrase to use when it comes to signifying how little I’ve done with in the past year and a half. This site turned into an abandoned wasteland – deserted and stagnant.

Why? It borders on cliche, and could probably be filed within the “cop out” category, but for me it begins and ends with my not having the energy or motivation to write for my own website when I got home from work. I probably could have written a paragraph or two while from work, but never felt that was fair to my employers. What about those hours outside of work? Surely there are moments I could steal past 5 or 6ish to write something? Absolutely! But then the question still remains -

What to write about? There are numerous topics I ponder in the course of a day but for months – no one single target subject. I’ve usually just posted whatever events I’ve attended, fun nights out with friends, stupid miscellanea found on the internet – nothing of consequence for the majority of folks on the internet. To my friends and family – of course I know it’s interesting to YOU, but to communicate over the internet in such a blanket manner feels a bit too detached.

What now? Well things have changed – drastically! A little over a month ago I left my job at Molecular, an internet consultancy. The company I’ve left to work for is a very small and fledgling little operation – my own company. After months of preparation, nerve-wracked second guessing and laying groundwork with hopes I could pull this off I actually did it. As difficult as it was to leave such a great group of people at Molecular and all the opportunity they’ve allowed me in the past three years I decided that it was the right time to make this next big step.

So far, so good. I’m excited. I am already engaged with a local ad agency helping them with a handful of their (immense) interactive clients. This site is going to evolve into my portfolio for anyone looking for a resource to bang out nice, clean, rich interfaces with XHTML, CSS, javascript, and other interesting and challenging web-based technologies.

To give you an idea as to what types of things I’m involved with – The past year and change I’ve actually been encouraging and helping Sara with [her own weblog][2]. Have I not told you about it yet? For shame! [Go visit and take a look][2] at the wonderful work she’s been doing. In addition to playing occasional tech-support and copy editor for Sara I’ve been putting in most spare hours working on my own project(s). Instead of writing about it – I’ve been trying to DO it. Think it’s difficult to post on a blog every day? Try doing it when you’re attempting to master new tools in addition to supporting the users who are helping drive your new project. It’s not easy.

The ultimate end-game will be to afford myself the time to work on those few previously mentioned projects that have grown over the past few years to something I’m hoping could blossom into something beyond “pet project” status. Once I’m a little more comfortable with their status I will post announcements here.

In the meantime, this site will very occasionally feature commentary on the things I find interesting about what’s going on in my industry, maybe some personal anecdotes, and hopefully some useful original content. Let’s just hope it’s not another 16 or 17 months until I write another post.