Another Summer in the Books
04 Sep 2022
As we close the chapter on the summer of ‘22 I’m left dealing with the feelings that hit me every year at this time. “Summer’s over. School’s here. Stoke up the anxiety machine.”
As a grown man who hasn’t been in school for more than half his life, yes. I realize this makes no sense. Very well. Tell that to my brain.
In any case, I can look back on this summer and consider it a success. G had a great time at his day camp. We’d made it to the Cape more than a few times to enjoy some sun and water. I may have read a few books, and comics, that I very much enjoyed. I saw a few movies that I also enjoyed - Nope, and Top Gun: Maverick at the top of that list.
And we’ve managed to still ditch Covid. 🤜🪵
Looking back - I am grateful and happy.