Joel Always one syllable

The sad and tragic thing about this is … it’ll actually make money

04 Jun 2008 #link #stupid #web


Was just pointed to an article at Wired about this:

If millions of Christians suddenly disappear from the face of the Earth as the opening act for Armageddon, Threat Level thinks most nonbelievers will be too busy freaking the hell out to check their e-mail. But if they do log in, now they can be treated to some post-Rapture needling from their missing friends and loved ones, courtesy of web startup

For just $40 a year, believers can arrange for up to 62 people to get a final message exactly six days after the Rapture, that day when — according to Christian end times dogma — Christians will be swept up to heaven, while doubters are left behind to suffer seven years of Tribulation under a global government headed by the Antichrist

Wow.  There are no words to describe my complete and utter disbelief (aaaahhhh,  a double entendre  — see what I did there?).