Joel Always one syllable

Our Last Few Days In OR.

21 Jun 2008 #Astoria #cannon beach #Goonies #Oregon


I think I’m going to miss this place.  Other than the stomach bug that’s been ravaging our entire family it’s been a dream weekend.  It’s the night before we head back east and I’m very cautiously crossing my fingers hoping I don’t get sick – or else I stay here as long as I need to for recovery.   Anyway – here are more select photos from the past few days.

Day 2 in Oregon

20 Jun 2008 #cannon beach #Family #photos #Vacation


Spent most of the day around the area, catching up with sleep after all that traveling, and hanging out with family. Just finished watching Goonies with 10 family members, totally irritating them from start to finish being “that guy” reciting lines along with the movie. Yes, I am that obnoxious.